“Who Called This Meeting Anyway?"

 How many of you have attended meetings over the years and once you left the meeting, you had no idea what was accomplished, or what was the purpose? We sometime asked this question, “Who called this meeting anyway???”

 This workshop, “Who Call This Meeting Anyway?” will acquaint you with the necessary tools to conduct effective, informative, and problem solving meetings in less time. Participants will learn to develop:

  • Specific purpose of the meeting 
  • Staying focus and keeping to the agenda 
  • Establish a plan of action 
  • Assign tasks and follow up


Successful effective meetings in less time using these tips and strategies.


If you would like TACADA Marketing to conduct this workshop to your organization, please write or call for more information.


TACADA Marketing Consultants, LLC

P.O. Box 373855

Decatur , GA 30037-3855

 404.288.3604 Voice/Fax 1.888.291.4995, ext. 9183




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